Laptop or Tablet? Which one is better?

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  • #299566
    Sandy GularezSandy Gularez

    Laptop or tablet? Which is a better gadget for studying? My gadget’s getting old but I’m thinking of buying a new one. Now that face-to-face classes is back, I feel like now is the perfect time to upgrade my tools.

    But, what are the pros and cons of using them?

    1. Portability. It’s easier to think that tablet is an obvious winner. But let’s admit the fact that there are 12 and 13 inch laptops around. Not to mention, there are tablets that can be as big as laptops. For this, it depends on your preferred size that you can work with. Plus, each gadget has sleeves that can protect your precious gadget.

    2. Performance. Many will choose laptops as they believe tablets can’t replace what laptops do. Of course, that’s true in so many reasons. But, tablet is somehow keeping up with what laptops can offer. Smart keyboards, pens, etc. Honestly, it depends on what kind of a user you are.

    3. Price. Just because tablets are smaller, they’re more affordable. Keep in mind that it depends on the brand, storage, and features.

    Well, if your purpose is to stream and keep notes, tablet is better. But if you plan to do more tasks, laptop is better.

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