Our existence has three purposes


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  • #20616
    Ronna LeeRonna Lee

    We all have our goals in life. It varies from one person to another. However, when it comes to our existence,  everybody should have the same purposes.

    These are the three purposes that every human being should remember.

    1. We exist to develop ourselves to the fullest. Our world is a battle ground.  We live here not just to achieve our dreams but also to develop our physical, mental, spiritual aspect.  If you die nothing or worthless, then who is to be blamed?

    2. We exist to protect the earth. I do believe that aside from developing ourselves,  there is another mission that all of us are accountable, that is to make the world liveable up to the next generation.  We need to do something. Stop pollution and prevent climate change.

    3. We exist to spread the words of God. Someone is watching up there. He controls everything. He let you develop youself and protect the earth, but still, he is waiting for you do something in return. He wants you live with his words and let others know it as well.


    I hope that once you read this, you will realize something, and you will try to apply this principles in your life.

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