Note-Taking Tips for Filipino College Students

Gaile Teves
| | 3 min read

Instead of borrowing your classmate’s reviewer before an exam, why not take these note-taking tips and improve your study habits?

The one thing that could make or break your study habits is the way you take notes. Nothing motivates me to review more than a good set of notes.

It doesn’t matter if you lean towards the traditional side with sticky notes, index cards, yellow pads and other similar tools. Maybe you like taking the digital approach such as flashcard apps, tablets, or iPad. Both are proven effective and helpful!

When I started taking notes seriously, I found myself navigating over topics easily. Since it’s easier reading the outline, it feels like less of a chore to study.

What should I do if I want to start note-taking seriously?

Note-Taking Tips for Filipino College Students

  1. Keep it short. One important note taking hack is to remember that your notes should be a study guide, not your primary source of information. Maintaining brevity helps you retain information better.
  2. Use your own words. This allows you to be more familiar with the terms and concepts and easily master the topics when you review.
  3. Practice whenever it’s possible. Once you figure out the best way for you to take notes, do it frequently to build this habit. Watch yourself be better!

I’m ready to start note-taking. But, I love using notebooks and others.

Note-Taking Tips for Paper Lovers

If you’re like me and you prefer writing notes with pen and paper and holding them in your hand, then the following note-taking tips fit you.

Although I like the convenience of writing notes in a laptop or tablet, I find it easier to retain information if I feel my pen scribbling across some pages. Even with a matte screen and stylus, it just doesn’t feel the same. Furthermore, I don’t like the eye strain that comes from the additional hours staring at a screen.

These are great for quick reviews to skim over definitions, and they’re handy to bring around in your bag or pocket. They’re also very easy to organize and customize according to your preference. So, be ready to follow these tips:

  1. Use index cards and sort them with paper clips or ring binders
  2. Place them on a big notebook for diagrams and concept maps
  3. Showcase your creativity and don’t be afraid to use various colors.
  4. Highlight your notes and organize them based on subjects or topics.
  5. Use structure, drawings, or other visual marks to make them easy to look at.

I’m not good at keeping paper sheets. Is it okay if I use my gadgets instead?

Note-Taking Tips for Tech Lovers

With the same principles as traditional notes, digital notetaking has a several advantages too.

It is easier to organize and bring them around, and you can import your lecture slides directly into your notes. Also, you can infinitely customize your pen and highlighter colors, your page color or grid of choice, or choose between writing or typing out your notes.

The following still have the same concepts in mind as traditional notes, but they’re in digital format.

  • Flash Card Apps 
  • Tinycards
  • Quizlet
  • Notability
  • Samsung Notes
  • OneNote

However, there are a couple disadvantages like the battery life, more screen time and the risk of technical issues. It still boils down to what suits you.

Regardless of your preference, the main goal remains the same. It makes our lives as Filipino college students easier!

Instead of cramming all your learnings in the few hours before your exam, make sure to regularly revisit your notes for these to be effective.

It doesn’t have to always be a frequent intense review process every time. But the next time you find yourself bored and scrolling through Instagram, try and skim over your notes just to refresh your mind.

Happy note taking!

Gaile Teves

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